Talks by

Dr. Scott Braun
Project Scientist for GPM, AOS, and…

Prof. Richard Anthes
President Emeritus, University Corporation for Atmospheric…

Prof. Kenji Nakamura
Department of Economics on Sustainability, Faculty…

Theodore (Ted) G. Shepherd FRS
Grantham Professor of Climate Science, Department…

Dr Prakash Chauhan
Director, National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO,…

Dr. Suryachandra Rao
Senior-scientist, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology,…

Dr Raj Kumar
Former Director, National Remote Sensing Centre,…

Dr. Thara Prabhakaran
Project Director and Scientist F Cloud…

Prof. Shoichi Shige
Associate Professor Division of Earth…

Dr. Rémy Roca
Directeur de Recherche with CNRS,…

Dr Jean‐Pierre Chaboureau
Laboratoire d’Aerologie, University of Toulouse/CNRS, …

Dr. Takuji Kubota
Senior Researcher, Earth Observation Research…

Higuchi Atsushi
Center for Environmental Remote Sensing…

Prof. Yukari N. Takayabu
Vice Director, Professor, Atmosphere and…

Dr. Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay
Scientist F, Indian Institute of…

Dr. Prasad K. Bhaskaran
Professor, Department of Ocean Engineering…

Dr. Mrutyunjay Mohapatra
The Director General of Meteorology,…

Dr. Sundararaman G. Gopalakrishnan
Senior meteorologist, NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic…

Dr. B. Amudha
Scientist-E & Head, Aerodrome Meteorological…

Dr. K. Kishore Kumar
Head, The Atmospheric Dynamics Division,…

Prof. Srikanthan Ramachandran
Senior Professor Space and Atmospheric…

Dr. Neerja Sharma
Scientist-SF, Space Applications Centre, ISRO,…

Dr Rajendra Kumar Jenamani
Head, Marines Met Services of…

Dr Pradeep Kumar Thapliyal,
Head of the Geophysical Parameters…

Dr. Kusuma G Rao
Director, Institute for Advanced Research in…

Dr. Krishnan Raghavan
Scientist-G & Executive Director, Centre for…

Dr. Ashis Kumar Mitra
Head of ‘National Centre for Medium…

Prof. Subimal Ghosh
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Convener,…

Prof V Venugopal
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences…

Dr. M. V. Ramana
Head, Land and Atmospheric Physics Division…
Special Sessions Speakers
Sl No | Speaker Name | Affiliation | Abstract title |
1. | Dr. J. Indu | Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Bombay, Powai, India | Scale issues in robust satellite constellations for precipitation measurement |
2. | Dr. Ayantika Dey Choudhury | Centre for Climate Change Research,IITM, Pune, India | On the unprecedented rainfall intensification over Western India during monsoon 2019 |
3. | Mr. Arulalan T. | Numerical Weather Prediction Division, IMD, New Delhi, India | Unusual Heavy, Extreme Rainfall Probabilistic Prediction by the Medium-Range Multi-Model Ensembles over Indian States |
4. | Dr. Bushair M. T. | Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Division, IMD, New Delhi, India | Multi-Model Ensemble Based Districts Level Rainfall Forecasts over India |
5. | Dr. Anoop Mishra | SATMET Division, DGM Office, IMD, New Delhi, India | Investigation of Changes in Precipitation Patterns over India using High Resolution Precipitation Estimates from space |
6. | Dr. S. D. Sanap | Climate Research and Services, IMD, Pune, India | Extended Euro-Atlantic Blocking and Precipitation Extremes Over Indian Region During Boreal Winter |
7. | Dr. Satya Prakash | National Satellite Meteorological Centre,IMD, New Delhi, India | How accurate are satellite-based precipitation products over the Indian region? |
8. | Dr. Moeka Yamaji | Earth Observation Research Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Tsukuba, Japan | A Climatological Study on Precipitation Microphysical Characteristics over Asian Monsoon Region using GPM/DPR |
9. | Dr. Hitoshi Hirose | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan | A correction method for improving GSMaP precipitation overestimation bias in the tropics |
10. | Dr. Gayatri Kulkarni | IITM, Pune, India | How robust is aerosol invigoration effect over the Indian subcontinent? |
11. | Dr. Krishna Kishore Osuri | Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, NIT Rourkela, Odisha, India | Modeling of Intensity and size changes of tropical cyclones over the Bay of Bengal: Influence of microphysical processes at cloud-resolving resolution |
12. | Mr. Pradeep Kushwaha | Centre for Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences and Divecha Centre for Climate Change, IISc, Bangalore, India | A Survey of Mid-Tropospheric Cyclones over South Asia |
13. | Mr. Pritam Jyoti Borah | Centre for Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences and Divecha Centre for Climate Change, IISc, Bangalore, India | North Atlantic Influence on the Subseasonal Variability of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall. |
14. | Ms. Shivalli Verma | Earth and Climate Sciences Area, NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad, India. | Can cloud top temperature observations from satellites indicate heavy rainfall events? A case study over Hyderabad – Part I: Cloud parameters and their importance in detection of heavy rainfall events. |
15. | Mr. Rounaq Goenka | Earth and Climate Sciences Area, NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad, India. | Can cloud top temperature observations from satellites indicate heavy rainfall events? A case study over Hyderabad – Part II: Precipitation data retrieval using Doppler Weather Radar and its linkage to cloud properties. |
16. | Dr. Kandula V. Subramanyam | Earth and climate Science Area, NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad, India | A comprehensive study on the role of dynamics in distribution of various types of clouds in the Indian Monsoon region using CloudSat observations |
17. | Dr. Bidyut Bikash Goswami | Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea | A shallow-deep unified stochastic mass flux cumulus parameterization |
18. | Dr. Sudarsan Bera | Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India | Statistical and Microphysical Descriptions of Droplets in Monsoon Cumulus Clouds |
Participating Scientists
Sl No | Name | Designation | Affiliation |
1. | Dr. Cuba P | Associate Scientist | ICRISAT, India |
2. | Ms. Preeti Awas | Scientific assistant | IMD, Dehradun, India |
3. | Ms. Meera M Nair | Junior Research Fellow | CUSAT, Kochi, India |
4. | Dr. L Gnanappazham | Asso. Professor | IIST, Trivandrum, India |
5. | Ms. Sayanee Haldar | Student | National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India |
6. | Mr. Ajit Kumar Mandal | Assistant Professor Cum-Junior Scientist | Dr. Kalam Agricultural College, Kishanganj, Bihar, India |
7. | Ms. Angel Anita Christy | Junior Research Fellow | ACARR, CUSAT, Kochi, India |
8. | Mr. Tulshidas Mahadeoji Jibhakate | Research Scholar | Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India |
9. | Mr. Utkarsh Verma | Junior Research Fellow | IITM, Pune, India |
10. | Ms. Surya Santhosh V. | Student | CUSAT, Kochi, India |
11. | Mr. Sai Krishna V. S. Sakuru | Scientist SE | NRSC, Hyderabad, India |
12. | Dr. Rekha Bharali Gogoi | Scientist SE | NESAC, Meghalaya, India |
13. | Ms. Mercy Verghese | Student | IITM, Pune, India |
14. | Mr. Rafiuddin Mohammad | Student | JNCASR, Bangalore, India |
15. | Mr. Karthik Venkataraman | Research Scholar (Senior) | Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai, India |
16. | Mr. Sumesh R K | Scientist | National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, India |
17. | Dr. Leena P. P. | Scientist | IITM, Pune, India |
18. | Mr. Suryadev Pratap Singh | Student | JNCASR, Bangalore, India |
19. | Mr. Swarnendu Bhattacharya | Junior Research Fellow | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India |
20. | Rona Maria Sunil | Junior Research Fellow | ACARR, CUSAT, Kochi, India |
21. | Anindita Dasgupta | Student | Fergusson college,Autonomous |
22. | Dr. Sujata K Mandke | Scientist | IITM, Pune, India |
23. | Mihir Hareshbhai Prajapati | Graduate Research Assistant | University at Albany, State University of New york, USA |
24. | Prabhath H Kurup | Research Scholar | ACARR, CUSAT, Kochi, India |
25. | Mr Prajwal K | Junior Research Fellow | ACARR, CUSAT, Kochi, India |
26. | Avinash Paul | Research Scholar | CUSAT, Kochi, India |
27. | Ms Ipshita Bhasi | PhD student | NIT Rourkela |
28. | Dr. Subhadeep Halder | Assistant Professor | Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India |